Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This One's A Bummer.

Well, I finally post again, and it's a mildly depressing post.

I've been thinking about a lot lately.

I miss Melanie and my nephew. I really wish they wouldn't have moved. I know it was for the best, though, and that she's happy, and can be with Dex more. I'll get to spend two weeks with her this summer. Hopefully that will help a lot.

I miss Andi. Everyone always says it's impossible, that I was too young to even remember her. I remember doing a lot with her. I remember her face, how much she loved me, the way she would roll her eyes at Mel and then her nose would be wrinkled due to the smile on her face I had caused. I remember how Mel and her would always give each other a hard time, but you could still feel that they loved each other very much. I remember Andi pushing me on the swings, and driving the dogs and me around on the lawn mower. I remember my sister. I remember her, and I miss her.

I love her so much. Why did something like this happen to her, of all people? I know it's morbid to say, but sometimes I think about what she went through. I think about how scared she must have been. It makes me sick that she had to go through that at only twelve years old.

It's not right.
It's not fair.


  1. I love you. I don't know what else to say except I am glad I woke you up this morning to watch the story about heaven and I am glad I bought that little boy's book for you to read. I hope it brings some peace and hope and love and God. Love, Mommy

  2. I'm sorry kris. I can't even begin to imagine. Thinking of you!
