Monday, July 25, 2011


So I found a few things the other day that made me cry like a baby. This one is too precious not to share.
I was going through all my baby things and found a letter that said "TO: Kitten. 1st Christmas Dec. 1995 from Gma Brake."

I had to read it. On the inside was a yellow piece of lined paper with elegant writing all the way down the page. In the top corner was the date 12_25_1995, written just like that. I read:

"To my Little Kitten:
this is your first Doll from me al-
tho you are just a Baby now: but this
Doll Comes With Love and Kissies & 
Hugs And You don't even Like to 
here your Great Grandma Sing HA HA
I was at the haspital when you
Were Born You were so Little and 
trying to cry to me You Soundly 
Like A Baby Kitten.
so one of these days you can read
this letter and look at you Doll And 
say my Great Grandma Brake gave
this to me:
Whit all my Love to you:
may God be with you all
ways. And Remember Jesus
Loves you too.

G,G, mo."

That was word for word, exactly like the letter.

I thought a lot after that. We shouldn't cry over what may have been, but smile and bask in the warm memories of what was. I loved my Bern-Dean, and she loved me to. I know from this letter just how much she loved me.

I've been thinking of Andi, too. 
I'm done sulking and crying. Sure, I will cry sometimes, but that's just because I love my sister. I refuse to let this stupid, selfish man control me. I'm going to help my family fight for justice. I'm following in my mom's footsteps. I'm going to write a letter to Karl Roberts and take my power back. I don't know whether or not I'll send it, I'll just have to let myself make that decision in time.